Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Panning: "A True Challenge"

Today in photo class we did  technique called "panning" which is shooting a subject while its in motion. It required that follow the subject while shooting continuously, also while keeping the subject clear and the background blurry.  For me personally it was a challenge. I think panning is a awesome technique even though I need to work on it.  My timing was off, and timing is a critical part of the panning technique. I know with practice I will get better but today my ego deflated a little but I know I'll eventually get better.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Indoor Formal Portraits

by: Adrien with Misty 

by: Adrien with Rachel

Today in class we did indoor formal portraits. We learned how to set up the lighting and learned how to use the flash to enhance the picture. We had the ISO at 3200 because we were indoors and we had to experiment with the exposure to get just the right amount of lighting. I realized I liked taking indoor portraits because I can improvise more and get my subject to relax and get more comfortable around me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Random Portrait

Taken By Derek
Derek took this portrait of me to use an example on how to take a formal  portrait and I really liked.

Formal Portraits Through My Eyes

Adrien B.

Today in class we had to take formal portraits. I took a picture of my classmate, Rachel, I had to try multiple angles before  got to this one . I didn't really have to over expose this picture because Rachel's skin tone and her clothes weren't as dark so I could really get a spectacular shot.  It was kind of difficult using monochrome and trying to remember to make it a portrait. Derek gave me a few pointer on how to take photos of females, but the one that stuck out the most was don't take a straight shot of a female because they will swear they look too "fat" lol. It turned out to be very true, it was the reason I had to take multiple shots of Rachel before we got to this one. I found out that I really like taking portraits and I'm looking forward to taking more portrait pictures.